How Much Extra Commission Could You Earn with Virtual Tours?


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It’s no secret that the market is hot right now, and if there’s one thing real estate agents know it’s how to make hay while the sun shines.

We also know that virtual tours increase sale prices by between 4-9% (Matterport), and with the volume of stock changing hands at the moment, adding virtual tours to every listing has the potential to significantly increase your commission.

We’ve created this handy calculator to help you do the maths on what kind of commissions you’d be looking at with a 4-9% increase in sales prices.

How to Use the Commission Calculator

Drag the sliders to indicate:

  1. The number of sales you generally make per month (or how many you’d like to be making)
  2. Your average commission per sale
  3. The average sales price of properties you typically sell
  4. The average increase in sales price with virtual tours – be as conservative or generous as you like with this figure based on your region.
  5. The percentage of listings you include virtual tours in the sales activity.

For example, if you make 4 sales per month, your average commission is 3%, your properties sell for an average price of $800k and 75% of the properties you list include a virtual tour, you can expect an increase in your commission of $60,480 per annum in addition to the commission you already earn.

Up the number of properties you list with virtual tours to 100%, and that additional commission number jumps to $80,640 – and all you have to do is update your listing presentation to earn it.

Vendors on the fence? We’ve put together the ultimate guide on how to tell your sellers that a virtual tour is non negotiable to get more competition, a higher price and quicker sale.

Ready to book a virtual tour for your next listing? Call our team on 1300 BOOK VT or book now.

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All numbers are estimates and are subject to individual factors. Not to be taken as financial advice.


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