The Wrap Up
Digital property inspections in November show more buyers looking from interstate, with the national average rising to 23.1% (up 1.2% from October), while international viewings dropped to 7.2% (down 2.9%). Here’s how each region performed:
- Gold Coast: Remained the most popular market for out-of-state buyers with 36.7% interstate viewings (+3.9%) and 13.1% international interest (+5.6%), showing the strongest growth across both areas.
- Sunshine Coast: Held steady with 24.4% interstate (-1.2%) and a small increase in international viewings to 4.9% (+0.3%).
- Perth: More interstate buyers showed interest at 26.7% (+2.5%), though international viewings dropped to 6% (-8.4%) after leading this market in October.
- Brisbane: Saw less activity overall with interstate viewings falling to 17.4% (-4.4%) and international dropping to 5.8% (-1.4%).
- Melbourne: Gained momentum with interstate viewings up to 22.3% (+3.7%) and international interest climbing to 6.8% (+3.9%).
- Sydney: More interstate buyers looked at properties at 11.4% (+2.7%) while international interest fell to 6.5% (-4.9%).
The numbers show more Australians are looking at properties outside their home state, especially in the Gold Coast. Meanwhile, international property inspections have spread more evenly across the major cities compared to last month.